Dec 8, 2008

A Video that may help us in fighting back!

The terrible, horrifying series of attack on Mumbai that started on 26th November & culminated after 60 hours on 29th October must have given sleepless nights to most of us, and I was no exception. The events were so disturbing that despite trying to sleep peacefully, each night, I ended up waking up in the middle of the night & switching on TV (against all instincts) with the hope that by then the situation would have been under control. Alas, every time the TV provided images which could not bring solace to the mind & the heart, and the fingers on the remote always kept surfing from one channel to another looking for some reassurance on some channel. But it just did not seem to be available.

During one of such surfing spree, I came across a clip shot by some safari visitors at Kruger of a pack of lions hunting a buffalo family & capturing the baby buffalo. To add drama to the clip was a crocodile using the opportunity (as the baby buffalo had fallen into water) to carve a piece out for itself. Without using it as an analogy, (after all a gun-wielding bully of a terrorist can never be compared to a majestic animal like lion), the clip reminded me of the events at CST, Taj, Nariman House & Oberoi. The innocent people of whatever origin were killed without remorse. While I had always enjoyed all kind of nature-documentaries & clips, this time around it was making me more disturbed. I was about to switch to another channel when there was a twist in the tale, which, for once in those three days really made me smile.

Without wanting to divulge the twist, I would recommend that you must watch this clip on the following link to appreciate the reason it gave me to have hope & faith in that night of despair. I truly believe, if we stop indulging into empty rhetoric and gestures and take some hard actions that would change us from a lawless mass of argumentative indians to law-abiding citizens demanding accountability from our leaders & bureaucrats, these three days of November 2008 may really prove to be a watershed event in India ’s tryst with destiny.

Jai Hind!

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